Last Monday I took the sisters on an incredible adventure. It all started after emailing. Every Monday I give Sister Robinson driving lessons (completely against my will... once again, I will NOT be the one teaching my children to drive!). Anyways, we were driving in this neighborhood we had never been before and we practically drove into the sea. Okay, Sister Rob isn't that bad of a driver. lol. lol. lol. After the lesson we parked the car and walked out to the sea. It is this part of the sea where it stays really shallow for a long way out. Sister Brown and I walked out and on our way we saw star fish and coral and baby fish. The water was sooo clear! It was awesome. Later in the day we parked the car near the bridge on Nassau side and walked over the bridge to PI. We pretty much walked across the entire island in search of a new beach. When we found one we stayed until it got dark. On our walk back there were Christmas lights strung up and down the tourist areas. It was so nice.
Sister Brown sleeping in traffic
Thanksgiving morning started with service for Sister Cheryl. Sister Cheryl runs a catering service from her home. Every year the missionaries help her out on Thanksgiving day. It was madness. I have to say that I just quietly folded napkins for the majority of the time.... We walked away with boxes of food. That night another member fed us. She made us tacos (which were absolutely delicious) Our last lesson was with an investigator in the home of the branch president. We came out of that lesson with a box of pizza. We are still eating leftovers.
The Youte family. I love them soo much
He just loves us so much!
Family and friends that I get to see in 5 months. Members that do missionary work, the sea, those times you laugh so hard that tears fall, Nassau and the extra time I get to spend here. Easy going companions, I am grateful for health and strength, the opportunity to understand and love other cultures. I am grateful for the message that we share as missionaries. I am grateful for cookies and brownies and new clothes. And I am grateful for goodly parents and awesome sisters and a niece that I have never met.
Walking out
Jumping for joy!!
Love these Sisters
Do you all remember the story of Ronale?? All happy and good.... Well lately he has been struggling with some questions and concerns about the church. He has turned to youtube and the internet for information. We saw him about 2 weeks ago and we invited him to read and study his scriptures. We also invited him to pray and ask God, the source of all truth, for answers. He told us he was going to continue watching the youtube videos. Awesome. So this week we brought a really strong member. And once again my testimony of member missionary work was strengthened! The member addressed his concerns, shared personal experiences, and invited Ronale to do the same 3 things we had invited him to do just 2 weeks earlier. At the end of the lesson he said he was going to read and pray and seek answers for himself. It was one of the most notable lessons from my whole mission.
Princess Samoya
I wasn't allowed in this picture because I am not Jamaican...
Taking Samoya to church
Christmas lights!!!
Sister Tuttle
Has my hair gotten any longer?
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